As we step into 2024, let’s take a moment to reminisce about the journey that defined MatchBox Exchange in 2023. This article is a celebration of the remarkable milestones, both significant and subtle, that shaped our narrative over the past year.
The standout event of 2023 unfolded in October with the acquisition of MatchBox Exchange by WiseTech Global. This marked a considerable leap, paving the way for opportunities for MatchBox Exchange to thrive and expand.

It’s been a dynamic and bustling year that showcased the vibrancy and proactive spirit that defines our business. Here are some highlights:
a) In July 2023, our team gathered in Manila for a Sales Conference. This event provided a space for reflection on the previous financial year’s activities and a fruitful brainstorming session to outline deliverables for the ongoing one.
b) August 2023 saw us become members of Logizall in Thailand, leading to our participation in the TILOG-LOGISTIX event. Our Thai team actively engaged with the logistics community, fostering meaningful relationships.
c) September 2023 was marked by MatchBox Kampong, a networking session hosted by our team in Singapore to express gratitude to our customers who frequently engage in container Exchanges with each other. It was our way of extending appreciation for their continued support.
d) Further, in September 2023, a co-hosted networking event with CTAA in Sydney brought transport operators together. Discussions on optimising fleet through container triangulation fostered valuable connections within the industry.
e) October 2023 witnessed a comprehensive refresh and uplift of our marketing website, solidifying its online presence.

Additionally, with six successful integrations with top shipping lines across the Asia-Pacific region, 2023 marked significant growth for MatchBox Exchange. Highlights include:
a) Increase in global container Exchange percentage over time: pleasingly, collaboration among transport businesses through Exchanges exhibited a promising month-on-month trajectory, surpassing 30% in December 2023.

b) Increase in platform adoption in South East Asia (SEA): The SEA region experienced outstanding growth in 2023, with a remarkable 117% increase in customer adoption from November 2022 to November 2023. Noteworthy mentions include Vietnam, with a 103% increase in bookings from 2022 to 2023, and Thailand, where nearly half of triangulation bookings in December 2023 were Exchange bookings.

All these achievements would not have been possible without the unwavering support, hard work, and dedication of our incredible team. As we look forward, we are excited to build upon this momentum, providing even more value to our customers and partners in 2024. Cheers to the successes of 2023 and the promise of a brighter future!