How many of you have heard the phrase …“Embrace digital transformation or die”?
What does this mean?
Well, I do know that in today’s world those that are agile, open to change and willing to challenge the status quo are most likely to succeed.
At MatchBox Exchange, we believe digital transformation has a number of dimensions.
People often think that simply digitising an existing manual process is ‘transformation’.
Although we agree there is a lot of value in automating current manual processes, we feel true transformation comes from improving the underlying process by rethinking the operating model altogether.
Let me give you an example.
In our industry, we see companies investing in ways to make existing assets (trucks/depots/terminals) as efficient as they can be.
Trucking companies invest in high productivity vehicles so they can move more containers in the same trip, depots invest in scheduling and appointment systems in an attempt to improve the flow of trucks through their facilities.
Don’t get me wrong, these are important initiatives that help contribute to an improved transport network but…
Our view is that rather than focus so much energy on maximising the efficiency of the current process why not consider a new process or operating model altogether….one that is better, smarter and faster.
I often say… “In transport, NO trip is still much better than an efficient one.”
At MatchBox Exchange, we are transforming the container logistics industry by changing the model. The way things get done.
No more do you need to collect or return your containers from depots.
We have created a community of trucking companies, freight forwarders and shippers that can exchange containers in a completely new way.
A safe, neutral marketplace where we match parties who have empty containers with those that need them.
So, if you are a business involved in container logistics, I invite you to explore how MatchBox Exchange can help your business. Think differently and enjoy the benefits.